Calories in Paneer

Are the calories in paneer crisp bagels healthy? Bagels: At 290 to 390 calories and 55 to 72 grams of carbs, bagels aren’t the best choice. And also, The worst is the Ceylon Cinnamon Crunch Bagel, with 420 calories, 80 grams of carbohydrates, and 7 grams of fat. that’s it by itself. And also, The calories and fat go up once you add cream cheese or butter.

So how many calories does a Paneer Bread Cinnamon Roll have? Nutritional Information for Paneer Vanilla Cinnamon Roll.

Portion Size  : Rollo 1

Calories: 620

Calories from fat: 160

Amount per proportion: % Daily Value

total fat 18g: 28%

Also, how many calories does a Paneer sesame seed bagel have?

Nutrition and Allergens

Calories: CAL 290

Cholesterol:  0 mg

Sodium: 410 mg

carbohydrates: 57 g

Dietary fibre: 2 g.

How many Calories are in Paneer Asiago Bagel?

How many Calories are in Paneer Asiago Bagel?

Sodium Warning indicates that the sodium (salt) content of this product is higher than the recommended total daily limit (2,300 mg). And also, High sodium intake can increase blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke risk.

Nutrition and allergens.

Calories: CAL 320

Fat: 5 g

Saturated fat: 3 g

Trans fatty acids: 0 g

Cholesterol: 15 mg

How many Calories in Paneer Cinnamon Raisin Bagel?

Nutritional information for Paneer Cinnamon Swirl & Raisin Bagel

Portion Size:     1 BUN

calories: 310

calories from fat: 15

Amount per proportion: % Daily Value *

Total fat 2g:  3%.

Which Bagel is Healthier?

1) Whole Wheat Bagels: Whole wheat bagels are the healthier option, says Hannes, because they provide a substantial amount of fiber (which helps keep your digestive system healthy), protein, vitamins, minerals, and a variety of phytochemicals that improve ingestion, reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol.

How many Calories in Paneer Cinnamon Crisp Bagel with Cream Cheese?

Panera Ceylon cinnamon Crunch Bagel Calories

There are 420 calories in a Ceylon cinnamon Crunch Bagel from Panera.

What has more calories in Panera bread?

Bagel with more calories in Panera

It should be no surprise that the sweetest option is also the highest in calories. And also, The Cinnamon Crunch Bagel is baked with cinnamon and vanilla chips and topped with a cinnamon-sugar coating, making it the highest carb.

How many Calories are in a Paneer Orange Scone?

How many Calories are in a Paneer Orange Scone_

Nutrition and Allergens

Calories: CAL 550

Saturated fat: 13 g

Trans fatty acids:  0.5 g

Cholesterol: 25 mg

Sodium: 810 mg

How many Calories in Paneer Should I Eat per day?

Although it differs by age and activity level, adult men generally require 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day to maintain weight. And also, In contrast, according to the US Department of Health, adult women need about 1,600 to 2,400.

How Long are Paneer Cinnamon Rolls Good For?

Storage. Cinnamon rolls are at their best when liked fresh from the oven. And also, If you have leftovers that you want to save, you can place them in an airtight ampule and store them in your refrigerator or at room temperature. And also, Allow them to stand no more than 3-4 days.

Is it Okay to Eat Paneer on a Diet?

“Bagels can fit your weight loss goals!” says Lauren Smith, MS, RD, LDN, owner of Sorority Nutritionist.  And also, If you love bagels and want to lose weight, you’re in luck because how many calories you eat is more important than where you get those calories from when you’re starting to lose weight.

How many Calories are in the Paneer Asiago bagel?

Sodium Warning – Indicates that the sodium (salt) content of this product is higher than the recommended total daily limit (2,300 mg). And also, High sodium intake can increase blood weight and the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Nutrition and allergens.

Calories: CAL 320

Fat:  5 g.

Saturated fat : 3 g.

Trans fatty acids:  0 g.

Cholesterol : 15 mg.

Do Bagels Cause Belly Fat?

Consuming too many calories from any food, including bagels, can lead to unhealthy weight gain and make weight loss more difficult. And also, It may be most acceptable to enjoy bagels in restraint and be mindful of the number of calories they add to your diet.

Can I Eat Bagels and Lose Weight?

“Bagels can fit your weight loss goals!” says Lauren Smith, MS, RD, LDN, owner of Sorority Nutritionist. If you love bagels and want to lose weight, you’re in luck because how many calories you eat is more important than where you get those calories from when you’re starting to lose weight.

Why is it called an Egg Bagel?

Egg bagels get their unique name from adding eggs to the mix before baking. And also, They also often contain a bit of sugar and yellowish dye.

How many Calories are in a Large Cheese Paneer?

How many Calories are in a Large Cheese Paneer?

Calories: 330

Fat:  6 G.

Carbohydrates: 55 g.

Fiber: 2 g.

Proteins: 13 g.

What is a Thanatotic Paneer?

Einstein Bros’ new Thanatotic Bagels are slimmer, lower-calorie versions of their regular bagels (that is, they’re thin bagels). And also, They are available in Natural, Whole Wheat, and Everything (topped with a mixture of poppy seeds, sesame seeds, onion, garlic, caraway seeds, and salt).

How many Calories are in a Paneer Chocolate Chip Bagel?

Sodium Warning Indicates that the sodium (salt) content of this product is higher than the recommended total daily limit (2,300 mg). High sodium intake can increase blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke risk.

Nutrition and allergens.

Calories: CAL 330

Dietary fiber:  2 g

Total sugars: 12 g

Proteins: 10 g

Caffeine: 0 mg.

Is Cinnamon Raisin Paneer Healthy?

A cinnamon, raisin, plain, or egg bagel provides about 7 to 9.5 grams of protein. And also, A 100 per cent whole wheat bagel provides 12 grams. And also, As with fiber, protein promotes blood sugar and appetite control, so a high-protein bagel like 100% whole wheat can keep you full and energized longer between meals.


The Paneer calories are present in everything we eat, and the packages contain numbers that quantify them, and nutrition experts do not stop talking about it. And also, We hear a lot about calories, but few people know the reality about them. And also, We could say they are like “the fuel” our body requires to live. Without them, we would not have the necessary energy to carry out our daily activities, not even to stay alive, since breathing and digestion are actions (involuntary but essential) that also consume calories.